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Help Center


The Help Center is designed to assist our customers with any problems that may arise while using the website. If you cannot find an answer to your question by reading through this section,

then email us at help@nationalhospital.com.


 If you are having a problem navigating the website, then go to the sitemap to try and find the appropriate page. We have tried to make the website simple to navigate, but it may still be hard to find your way. If you still cannot find what you are looking for, then email us at help@nationalhospital.com.


If you cannot fulfill your search on our website, then go to the search page and check the resources listed. There are links t MEDLINEplus & PubMed, from the National Library of Medicine. There are also links to several National Institutes of Health and a search engine from Excite. 


If you are trying to submit your website to be included in our web directories, then email us at submit@nationalhospital.com. Please include where you would like your website to be listed in our directories. We will usually agree with most requests, but we reserve the right to turn down any submissions or place them on a more appropriate page in our web directory.

